🔧General Settings
Here you can find documentation to the current general configuration file.
Setting (Directive) | Options | Description |
checkForUpdates | true/false | Checks for a newer version of Miniature Pets when logged into your server. |
disablePlugin | true/false | Disables the plugin entirely, without the need to uninstall it. |
useWorldGuard | true/false | Hook into WorldGuard for region support and additional pet spawning options. |
usePackets | true/false | Use packets for some menus to get a nicer display. |
useHats | true/false | Allow users with the hat permission to wear pets as hats. |
useDisguises | true/false | Allow users with the disguise permission to disguise as a pet. |
useRide | true/false | Allow users with the ride permission to ride their pets. |
useInteractGUI | true/false | Show pet options when right clicking your pet. |
debug | true/false | Shows extra debug output in console. |
combatTag | true/false | Use combat tag integration. |
petPunch | true/false | Allow pets to be punched. |
useHopperGUI | true/false | Use a hopper GUI for the interact menu, instead of a chest. |
handlePlayerData | true/false | Save data pertaining to a player's pets. |
PetExtraRemoval | true/false | Removes leftover armor stands after a server crash. |
runGUIAsync | true/false | Use multithreading to improve GUI efficiency. |
perPetName | true/false | Allow and save names per pet a player has, rather than using one name per player. |
hideDisguisedPlayers | true/false | Show/hide players disguised as a pet. |
respawnOnFallingToVoid | true/false | Respawn pet after falling to void. |
animationRefreshRate | Integer | Controls how often pet animations update (lower is faster). |
standardizedPermissions | true/false | Standardize permissions to be based on the file name, instead of configurable per pet. |
dismountOnWater | true/false | If you should be dismounted when riding a pet into water. |
bypassSpawnProtections | true/false | Bypasses most external spawning plugins. May help if pets don't spawn due to a plugin conflict. |
minimumPetTeleportRange | Integer | Controls how far a pet has to be before teleported to the owner. |
petTeleportCheckSeconds | Integer | Controls how often a pet's distance from its owner should be checked. |
disallowDisguiseTeleport | true/false | Disallow teleportation when disguised. |
respawnPetOnWorldMove | true/false | Should pets reappear after you change world? |
downloadDefaultPetsIfNone | true/false | If true, downloads the default pet pack if your pets folder is empty. |
disallowedPetNameWords | List of words introduced by a dash. | Words that should not be allowed in pet names. |
respawnPetOnJoin | true/false | Respawn last spawned pet on server join. |
petLoadingMessage | true/false | Sends a message on server startup for every pet successfully loaded. |
despawnOnGamemodeChangeTo | Despawns pet when gamemode is changed to one of the specified ones. | |
petDistance | Integer | Distance of pet from player at any given moment. |
SaveWithUUID | true/false | Use UUID saving (probably not good for offline servers). |
PetSpawnDistance | Integer | How far away should pets spawn, when selected? |
PetNameLimit | Integer | Controls maximum characters in a pet's name. |
Last updated