
Example: The animationFrame feature is activated when the pet moves. that is, the frames we will add to this folder will only work in motion, so we can make walking animations. Example Usage: It is used by adding F1.yml,F2.yml,F3.yml squares and specifying positions inside.


Example: You can make continuously running animations with animation_IDLE property. wing animations, you can make constantly jumping pets. Example Usage: It is used by adding F1.yml,F2.yml,F3.yml squares and specifying positions inside.

Relative Location

Example: Another feature of ours is the feature that allows us to move the armor stands during animation. We use these coordinates by typing the location of our armor stand. We can make jump animation by increasing or decreasing the height in F1,F2 position. Example Usage: relativeLocation: "{(hight) , (leftRight) , (backForward)}"

Now let me tell you what F1,F2,F3 yml files are. actually these are frames for animations so in F1.yml you move the right leg forward and move the left leg back. and then in the F2.yml file, on the contrary, you move the right leg back and left leg forward, and finally in the F3.yml file, you move it to its original position and you finish the animation. of course you can add more frames F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6... this way you can add infinite frames. but I add at least 3 frames and the animations are flawless.

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