3️⃣Downloading Pets

Miniature Pets is a modular companions plugin. In short terms, you can add and remove pets from your server.

Quick Recap

Adding pets is relatively simple. Each pet comes as an .mpet file. For example, Frog.mpet is the pet file of a frog.

The pet file contains various configurations of the pet such as Name, Description and Permission Node. Along of course with the structure and animations of the pet.

The plugin folder (/plugins/MiniaturePets) has a /pets folder that's where pets are supposed to be put. For instance, the location of Frog.mpet would be /plugins/MiniaturePets/pets/Frog.mpet.

Where Can I Find Pets

Default Pack

Above you can download the default pack. It is zipped and needs to be unzipped in the pet folder. It's ready to go besides that.



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