In this tutorial, we will create a model from scratch with you.
I will first teach you how to add items.yml items and then I will show you how to place these items in armor stands.
Let's open the items.yml file in the ready .mpet file you downloaded. includes an example "heads:" item
Adding İtem Name
Example: Now let's name our item. You are free to give the names you want, but my advice to you is that it would be more useful to name it according to the region you will use. I named it Sonic Head because I made a sonic pet. Example Usage: sonichead:
Adding İtem Id
Example: You should write the names of the items you will add here. You can find the names of all the items here. Link: Example Usage: Material: PLAYER_HEAD
Adding İtem Data
Example: data data, some items are colored, some have extra code to add them. example is red wool code 35:14. 35 is the wool code and 14 is the color code. The code after the colon is written in the data part. Example Usage: Data: 3
Adding İtem Skull Url
Example: This is the section where we write the leather links to add design to the head items. Example Usage: SkullURL:
Adding İtem Owner
Example: You can use this feature to add the skin of your players or any player you want. (Owner: "%PetOwner%" #With this code, the pet automatically takes the skin of the owner.) Example Usage: Owner: “Noch”
Adding İtem Leather Armor Color
Example: You can use the color property to paint leather armors. You can get decimal codes by using sites that convert rgb codes to decimal color codes. Example Usage: Color: (Decimal Code)
Adding İtem Custom Model Data
Example: Custom model data is just a number that goes on the item for the purpose of Resource packs being able to render it for example if the resource pack has the Torch set to a custom model they made all you have to do is add Custom-Model-Data: 50 in the pet.yml file and place a torch on the pet. Example Usage: CustomModelData: (Number)
a few sample items I created for you sonichead: Material: PLAYER_HEAD SkullURL: Data: 3
ownerplayer: Material: PLAYER_HEAD Owner: "%PetOwner%" Data: 3
sonicironsword: Material: IRON_SWORD Data: 0
redwool: Material: WOOL Data: 14
greenchestplate: Material: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE Color: 10324361
Now I will teach you to create the first parts of our pet. These parts are formed by the heads or items placed on the head, hand, arm of the armor stand.
First, let's start by creating the head of our sonic pet. Let's create an empty “.yml” file and name it “head.yml”.
Now I will teach you what we can adjust and change in our "head.yml" armor stand.
Adding Items to the Head Example: To add an item to the head of the armor stand, you must use the helmet: tag. you have to set the items to add from (items.yml) folder. Example Usage: helmet: (item)
Adding Items to the Hand Example: To add an item to the hand of the armor stand, you must use the hand: tag. you have to set the items to add from (items.yml) folder. Example Usage: hand: (item)
Adding Items to the Chestplate Example: You can only equip "chestplate:" with armor. you have to specify the armor (items.yml) you want. Example Usage: chestplate: (item)
Adding Items to the Leggings Example: You can only equip "leggings:" with armor. you have to specify the leggings armor (items.yml) you want. Example Usage: leggings: (item)
Adding Items to the Boots Example: You can only equip "boots:" with armor. you have to specify the boots armor (items.yml) you want. Example Usage: boots: (item)
Armor Stand Size Example: You can specify whether the armor stand will be large or small. (true = small) (false = large) Example Usage: small: true / false
Armor Stand Visible Example: You can specify whether the armor stand will be visible or invisible. (true = visible) (false = invisible) Example Usage: visible: true / false
We learned how to add items to the armor stand and some settings, now we will learn how to position the armor stand.
In this section, we determine the height, right-left, forward-back position of the armor stand. Information 1: hight (giving height + valued numbers increases the height. (to reduce the height - give valuable numbers.) Information 2: leftRight ( - value moves left. + values moves right.) Information 1: backForward (Valuing + moves forward. - Valuing moves backwards.) Example Usage: location: hight: 0 leftRight: 0 backForward: 0
You will learn to adjust the head, arm, leg and torso positions.
Head Position
Example: You can adjust the head position here. Example Usage: headPos: "{0 , 0 , 0}"
Body Position
Example: You can adjust the body position here. Example Usage: bodyPos: "{0 , 0 , 0}"
Left Leg Position
Example: You can adjust the left leg position here. Example Usage: leftLegPos: "{0 , 0 , 0}"
Right Leg Position
Example: You can adjust the right leg position here. Example Usage: rightLegPos: "{0 , 0 , 0}"
Left Hand Position
Example: You can adjust the left Hand position here. Example Usage: leftHandPos: "{0 , 0 , 0}"
Right Hand Position
Example: You can adjust the right Hand position here. Example Usage: rightHandPos: "{0 , 0 , 0}"
and as you can see, half of the pieces were buried under the ground because we were using the big armor stand. If I use a small armor stand, I will solve the problem, but I do not want it because the head will be small. I want to make a big-headed sonic. I will add a new body part and make the armor stand I used for the head invisible again. and the problem will be solved.
yes, I found these coordinates by trying. and I was able to place it the way I wanted. you will master it by doing it this way :)
Last updated
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